Join my pre-day workshop!

On September 22nd, I will be delivering an in-person workshop on how to build powerful websites using Power Pages! The picture is from my workshop at Nordic Summit in 2022, where I did a similar workshop with a full room of happy people!

My name is Nick Doelman, and I am currently a Senior Content Developer at Microsoft, and a co-host on the Power Platform BOOST podcast.

Previously I was an independent consultant and trainer focusing on the Power Platform and Power Pages. I was an MVP from 2017-2021. While I have travelled through Denmark multiple times, this will be my first official visit to Copenhagen!

I am really looking forward to seeing you in this workshop!

Why join this workshop?

If you need to build a web application to serve your external users and stakeholders, Microsoft Power Pages is an amazing technology that not only provides the platform to build your site, but also provides direct access to data (Dataverse), built-in security and authentication, and rich tools for designers, low-code makers, and pro-developers, plus so much more!

There is a lot of great introductory content on how to build a website using Power Pages, including documents on Microsoft Learn, tutorials and videos from community.

The feedback and questions I commonly receive go beyond the basics of building a website, but dive into more complex topics like how to address specific use cases interacting with Dataverse, planning your Power Pages project, unique security requirements, authentication, branding, mobility, and other tasks.

Who is this workshop for?

If you are new to Power Pages, this workshop will get you ramped up on the basics quickly, leveraging your existing knowledge on other Power Platform technologies like Dataverse and Power Apps. After this workshop, you’ll know how to build a secure website connected to Dataverse.

Get your ticket

Use early bird code BOOST40 for a 40% discount until end of July!

Workshop content

We’ll of course look at using Copilot in Power Pages to streamline your building and design tasks. Using Copilots combined with your newly acquired knowledge on Power Pages will put you on the path of launching a successful website.

From there, we will go into common design and development patterns, how to address specific data entry and viewing requirements. How a low-code and pro-code developer can best work together to ensure each other skills are maximized to build a powerful, sustainable website that will not only delight your stakeholders but also your external users visiting the site.

If you are in the middle or starting a Power Pages project, signing up for this class will also entitle you to a one-on-one hour session (Teams meeting before or after conference) where we can discuss your project, answer questions, or point you in the right direction.

Technologies covered:

  • Creating and designing web pages
  • Connecting to Dataverse
  • Security and Authentication
  • Extending using HTML, Liquid, CSS, JavaScript, Web API, Power Automate
  • Building custom web templates
  • And a lot more!

    Still not convinced?

    For those joining my workshop, you will get 1h personal advisory for Power Pages with me!

    We can talk before, during or after Nordic Summit on topics you need to get my advice on.

    Get your ticket

    Use early bird code BOOST40 for a 40% discount until end of July!