As Nordic Summit 2023 is approaching, here’s another attendee story from last year’s Nordic Summit. This specific participant traveled from Norway to learn and build a stronger network with like-minded individuals. We got to ask this participant a few questions regarding the Noric Summit experience.
About our guest
Let’s welcome our guest Eivind Fritzen to our blog!
Eivind is 36 years old and lives in the city center of Oslo, Norway. He currently works for a company called Sopra Steria where he holds the title as Manager. Eivind is a Senior Microsoft Dynamics / Power Platform consultant with more than 12 years of experience delivering solutions for customers.
Before beginning his Microsoft career, he worked at Norwegian People’s Aid. In addition to his consulting career, he has also been a teacher at Microsoft University, training next generation consultants.
Nordic Summit 2022
Even though Thomas traveled from Norway, he did not travel alone. He was with a group of consultants from Sopra Steria that attended the event. The company sent a group of consultants so that they could bond together and get a common understanding of the technology. They had a great time and have planned on attending the 2023 Summit as well.
Favorite session
We asked Eivind about his favorite session and what he liked with that session. He then mentioned “So you want to be a solution architect” with Mark Christie.
I’ve been working as a solution architect for almost a decade now, it was easy to relate to all topics Mark mentioned. At the same time, I’m focused on continuous learning. To stay at the top of your game you need to evolve. Listening to other people’s perspectives makes you rethink the knowledge you gained from the past.
Overall event experience
What about the overall Nordic Summit 2022 experience? Eivind says he was super happy about the whole event. The agenda was varied with lots of great topics for different product focuses, and he had a great time with his colleagues.
He also mentions he celebrated his birthday that week, so they gathered everyone from the team that attended and had a great dinner together. Later that night they also met up with lots of former colleagues from other companies and had a great time!
Spare time and fun facts
Fun fact is that Eivind attended one of the Nordic Summit organizers’s (Thomas Sandsør) wedding. They used to work together and became close friends.
After Thomas god a kid, Eivind is now referred to as Uncle Eivind. Thomas and Eivind have been friends for more than 12 years, and to this day call each other on the regular to complain about features they wish they had in Dynamics 😘
On his spare time Eivind loves to hang out with friends, and don’t mind being a bit on the nerdy side. He love to study history and can recite tons of Wikipedia information if you just give him a date and time in the past when historical events happened.
He also love to deep dive into Warhammer and Star Wars when time permits.
Build a flow live or eat 50 marshmallows?
I’m more a Kinder Chocolate Bars type of guy, so I have to say Power Automate Cloud flow live. If I could build a flow live while eating Kinder Chocolate Bar, that would be great!