With only a few days left before it’s time for Nordic Summit 2023, today we have a new 2022 Speaker Story to tell. This time it’s Edit Kapcari who will be in the spotlight. Hello Edit and welcome to our blog!

Who are you? | What do you do? | What is your passion?
Edit Kapcari is my name. I am a blend of Albanian roots and German countryside charm, residing in a little corner of Germany, surrounded by nature’s beauty.
On a professional level, I have a Power Platform prowess and lead an incredible team of experts at ORBIS SE, who are turning challenges into opportunities, by building innovative solutions and empowering organizations to reach new heights.
My deep-rooted passion (as of now) lies in helping people and organizations reach the pinnacle of their potential. I like thinking of myself as a catalyst for growth, unlocking new heights of improvement.
How was your Nordic Summit experience? | What did you speak about?
Nordic Summit 2022 will always remain in my memory as the first big stage where I went up to talk about one of my favorite topics, Power Platform Governance. A first time speaking, which, luckily for me, turned out to be wonderful.
Among the first people in the community who gave me a hand was the legend Chris Huntigford, followed by another icon, Sara Lagerquist. Both of them make the community so dear because they show a very positive aspect which is ‘let me be your buddy and help you with whatever you need’.
And of course, after this first experience where I could touch the community up close and get to know wonderful people personally, there would be no turning back.
Below is a picture that Edit took just before Nordic Summit was about to kick-off!

My session last year encompassed three distinct sections.
- The initial segment focused on the necessary steps for adopting Power Platform, preceded by a discussion on the vital aspects of Security and Governance.
- The subsequent part engaged in a High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) approach, utilizing checklists to establish key pillars facilitating governance and growth opportunities for Power Platform developers. Leveraging Out Of the Box capabilities, COE Starter Kit, Power Platform Adoption white paper and other relevant materials, this session shed light on effective strategies.
- Lastly, the presentation concluded with a straightforward guide on getting started, offering simplified steps to initiate a Power Platform implementation.
Access the presentation here: https://nordicsummit.info/slides-2022/
I also had the privilege of participating in a dynamic panel discussion centered around the implementation of successful Power Platform projects, moderated by the lovely Malin Martnes.
It was an incredible opportunity to engage with esteemed Power Platform experts, sharing insights and exchanging best-practices to address the challenges we encounter in daily project work.
Below you can see Edit on the panel and holding her session as well as meeting with community friends.

I am delighted to have the opportunity to once again participate in the Nordic Summit 2023, this time in Copenhagen, where I will discuss about the poetics and politics that contribute to a successful Power Platform roll-out experience.
Fun fact about you?
A fun-fact aspect of my personality is dancing in the dark, with only my mirror reflection as company. Initially, I couldn’t comprehend the underlying reasons behind this practice, but with time, I discovered its resemblance to a meditative experience—a mindful movement that not only cultivates the mind-body connection but also fosters a profound relationship with myself. It has become a powerful avenue for self-expression and manifestation, encapsulating the multitude of benefits that accompany dancing as a physical activity.
Build a cloud flow live on stage or eat 50 marshmallows?
Oh, this is the simplest question ever, as I am not particularly fond of (refined) sweets, let alone marshmallows.
When delivering a conference demo, it’s almost inevitable that something will deviate from the intended plan. This is a constant. I believe a touch of humor and a backup plan (such as a demo video), can smoothly overcome any challenge.
Thank you #NordicSummitTeam, you are one of the reasons why the Power Platform and Microsoft Business Application community is such an inspiring, safe and welcoming ecosystem.
See you soon!
The Nordic Summit Team wants to say thank you to Edit! Both for being a guest on this blog and for delivering sessions not only at our event in 2022 but also in Copenhagen in just a few days! See you there! <3
Featured picture from Allef Vinicius on Unsplash.